Vichy Liftactiv Collagen Specialist Nacht - 50ml
Vichy Liftactiv Collagen Specialist Nacht - 50ml
Vichy Liftactiv Collagen Specialist Nacht - 50ml

Vichy Liftactiv Collagen Specialist Nacht - 50ml

  • Anti arrugas
  • Apriete
  • Dermatológicamente comprobado
  • No alcohólico
  • Sin aceite
  • Sin perfume

Introducing Vichy LiftActiv Collagen Specialist NachtcrèmeDuring the day, whether you're out and about or at home, your skin is exposed to external aggressors that can damage the skin and collagen fibers, the key to maintaining its firmness. That's why we've developed the Vichy LiftActiv Nachtcrème, specifically formulated to combat visible signs of aging caused by collagen loss, such as uneven skin tone and deep wrinkles.K... lees meer over dit product

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