Einhell TE-HP 140

Einhell TE-HP 140

Introducing the Einhell Electric Pressure Washer TE-HP 140The Einhell Electric Pressure Washer TE-HP 140 is a powerful and efficient tool for quickly and effectively cleaning heavily soiled surfaces with a high water output. With 1900 watts of power and a maximum pressure of 140 bar, it can tackle even the toughest cleaning tasks. Compact Design and Easy TransportationFeaturing a compact design and an extendable telescopic... lees meer over dit product

Prijzen gevonden tussen de € 205,90 en € 234,53

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205, 90
€ 18,90 verzendkosten
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229, 35
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234, 53
€ 12,90 verzendkosten
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