Festool CTLC MINI I-Basic Accu stofzuiger | CLEANTEC | zonder accu's en lader

Festool CTLC MINI I-Basic Accu stofzuiger | CLEANTEC | zonder accu's en lader

  • Adecuado para la construcción
  • Cierre automático
  • Toma de corriente integrada

Say goodbye to dust. Hello to health – even without a power outlet.The compact CTLC MINI cordless vacuum cleaner leaves no room for dust and is perfectly tailored to work seamlessly with all cordless tools. Whether it's for mobile sawing, sanding, or drilling applications, its compact design and lightweight make it the perfect partner for everyday work. Now you can work dust-free within the cordless system! The innovative Blu... lees meer over dit product

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