Vidaxl Slaapbank Met Twee Kussens Kunstleer - Marrón
Vidaxl Slaapbank Met Twee Kussens Kunstleer - Marrón

Vidaxl Slaapbank Met Twee Kussens Kunstleer - Marrón

  • Con función dormir
  • Con espacio de almacenamiento

Versatile and Comfortable Bed Sofa for Unexpected GuestsThis versatile bed sofa is the perfect solution for when unexpected guests stay over, while also providing a comfortable seating option during the day. Its sturdy wooden frame and chrome legs contribute to its durability, while the sofa is also generously padded for extra comfort. This sleep sofa can be easily and quickly transformed from a sofa to a bed and vice versa. ... lees meer over dit product

Prijzen gevonden tussen de € 197,99 en € 201,48

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197, 99
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201, 48
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